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Written by Admin | Jul 3, 2024 6:56:40 AM

Any Facility Manager in the Industrial Real Estate industry will know about the dangers of poor handstand management. Hardstand damage is costly and is sometimes hard to track. Improper use of the handstand by tenants can result in a large repair bill once the tenant leaves, with the possibility that the tenant won't be liable to pay the costs. The good news is that there are options that exist to better track industrial facilities ensuring tenant compliance and a record in time, enhancing the management of the facility as a whole; one great option is a digital twin solution.

A digital twin is a virtual replica of the real world, be it a component onsite or the site as a whole. Digital twins mirror and measure their real-world counterparts. Digital twins are a continuous data interchange between the actual and the virtual world, meaning that data exists over time in a variety of uses. Digital twins is an effective management tool for hardstand condition monitoring on sites and enable the tracking of damage in close to real-time. Using a digital twin to manage hardstand (and industrial facilities generally) is rapidly becoming a vital part of industrial facility management.

Digital Twins Enable Predictive Maintenance of Industrial Hardstands

The key benefit of digital twin implementation for your facility is the ability to identify the condition of assets and initiate repairs before the damage becomes more serious, causing operational disruption and costly downtime. In the instance of hardstand, some common causes of damage include:

  • Heavy vehicle loadings
  • Exceeding design limits
  • Washout and weather impacts
  • Structural cracking
  • Ground movement
  • Delamination of concrete toppings

Regular monitoring is the best method to get the most use out of an industrial hardstand surface, and thanks to digital twin technology, industrial Facility Managers are now able to focus their maintenance efforts on the areas that need them the most.

Other Benefits of Digital Twins for Industrial Facilities

Digital twins offer a wide range of industrial insights by enabling an unprecedented amount of visibility into facility performance. By delivering actionable insights, digital twins eliminate ambiguity in decisions and have a significant impact on maintenance and service lifecycle management in industrial facilities.

Digital twins also promote better resource allocation and reduce financial impacts caused by subpar or slow management of issues, providing a baseline improvement a variety of industrial operations. Digital twins offer numerous cost-savings that yield a healthy return on investment and directly address critical industrial facility management aspects related to hardstand maintenance and ensuring facility downtime does not occur.

Using a Digital Twin Solution is the Right Management Tool for Your Industrial Facility

The use of digital twins for industrial hardstand management is advantageous for the majority of industrial property owners. Improvements gained from implementing the use of digital twins in an industrial portfolio are far-reaching, including significant benefits to hardstand management at many stages of use.

Industrial portfolio owners see a strong return on investment from using digital twins as they tend to have a spread of assets across multiple locations, departments and purposes, and include dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of individuals. Digital twins offer the visibility your facility management team needs to build optimal maintenance and workflow processes, whether you're tracking wear and tear on your hardstand or wanting to manage the properties as a whole.

Learn how you can transform your asset management with Asseti.